Twee dingen die opfokbedrijf Lelymare anders doet
Twee dingen die opfokbedrijf Lelymare anders doet De opfokperiode is een ontzettend belangrijke periode in het leven van een jong paard. Natuurlijk wil je dat je jonge paard opgroeit tot een gezond en sociaal paard, maar waar moet je dan op letten? Fenna Elzinga, eigenaresse van opfok- en revalidatie Lelymare Horses, vertelt in de onderstaande video wat zij anders doet dan de meeste andere opfokbedrijven. Korting op onze supplementen verloopt over: 00 DAGEN : 00 UUR : 00 MIN : 00 SEC Fenna staat achter de supplementenlijn van DressagePro en zet de supplementen, zoals de DetoxPro, in.Meer weten over welke...
7 Causes of Thin Manure
7 Reasons Your Horse's Manure Is Thin and Watery Did you know that the consistency of your horse’s manure can tell you a lot about his health? If your horse’s manure is thin and watery, there could be many potential causes. Read on to find out why your horse might have thin manure. 1. Poor Diet One of the most common reasons for thin manure is a poor diet.Horses need a balanced diet in order to maintain their digestive health, so make sure you are providing them with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. If your horse is not getting...
Electrolytes only useful during summer?
Electrolytes only useful during summer? Electrolytes are essential for good health and performance in horses, especially during the hot summer months. But did you know that in the winter, electrolytes can be just as important for your horse? Five reasons why you should give your horse electrolytes throughout the year and not just when it's hot. 1. To Aid Hydration Even though the weather isn't as hot in the winter, your horse still needs to stay hydrated. Giving them electrolytes will help them stay hydrated and drink enough water during the coldest months of the year. 2. To replenish lost...
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