Choose your subscription below 👇

DressagePro Collection
DressagePro Collection

add your products to your shopping cart

Put the subscription boxes that you want to use for your horse in your shopping cart. Each box contains three bags of supplementswhich is exactly enough for 90 days. You can choose one box or several. And don't worry, the subscription is flexible and you can always adjust it again if your horse's needs change.


Yes! You will receive the first delivery the next day. Beautifully packaged and you now have enough supplements at home for the next three months.

everything happens automatically

You will now receive a new stock delivered to your home every 90 days and the amount will be automatically debited. You don't have to worry about anything anymore. Do you want to change something about your subscription? Please email or arrange it yourself via thesubscription portal.

ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL 💰 Get 17% off all supplements + free shipping. You get the most favorable price.
FLEXIBLE 👌 Switch supplements, change the amount, or stop? This is possible at any time!
NO STRESS Everything happens automatically. We ensure that your horse is provided with the correct supplements every 3 months.
ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL 💰 Get 17% off all supplements + free shipping. You get the most favorable price.
FLEXIBLE 👌 Switch supplements, change the amount, or stop? This is possible at any time!
NO STRESS Everything happens automatically. We ensure that your horse is provided with the correct supplements every 3 months.

"Super convenient! Now I no longer have to think about it and stress about ordering on time."

Anna van Daalen

"That discount is a nice bonus and it's nice that you are not committed to anything and can adjust the delivery frequency!"


"It's great that there is now a subscription option! I think it's ideal that everything is now automatic"

Anouk De Groot